2017년 6월 10일 토요일

운동하면 살수있다

열심히 운동하면 암(전립선)의 사망율이 낮아진다.
-Previous research has indicated that vigorous physical exercise could reduce the risk of prostate cancer specific mortality (PCSM). Wang said this study showed that the reduced risk of PCSM is associated with moderate to vigorous activity both before and after prostate cancer diagnosis.
출처: http://www.aacr.org/Newsroom/Pages/News-Release-Detail.aspx?ItemID=852#.WTu22cY6-gT

특히, 중강도 운동(MET)이 30%이상 사망율을 낮춘다.

-Researchers evaluated the men’s activity both before and after receiving a diagnosis of prostate cancer, and found similar benefits. After controlling for multiple factors including age at diagnosis, those who exercised for 17.5 or more MET hours per week (equivalent to twice the minimum of physical activity recommendations) before receiving their diagnosis had a 30 percent lower risk of PCSM compared with those who exercised for fewer than 3.5 MET hours per week (equivalent to less than one hour of moderately-paced walking per week). When evaluating post-diagnostic recreational physical activity, researchers found that the men who exercised the most had a 34 percent lower risk of dying of the disease than those who exercised the least. Additionally, the patients benefited whether they were maintaining physical activity or increasing their prediagnosis activity level after receiving a diagnosis of prostate cancer.
출처: http://www.aacr.org/Newsroom/Pages/News-Release-Detail.aspx?ItemID=852#.WTu22cY6-gT

그래서, 미국 암협회는 일주일에 150분이상 운동하거나 적어도  75분이상 활동적 운동을 권고한다

-“The American Cancer Society recommends adults engage in a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week. These results indicate that following these guidelines might be associated with better prognosis,” Wang said. She added that further research could determine whether the results differ by age at diagnosis, body mass index, or smoking.
출처: http://www.aacr.org/Newsroom/Pages/News-Release-Detail.aspx?ItemID=852#.WTu22cY6-gT

일주일에 7시간 이상 걷기만으로도 37% 이상 사망율이 낮아진다
Wang and her colleagues also looked at the benefit of walking as the only form of physical activity, since about 40 percent of patients in the study said walking was the only form of recreational physical activity they did. Walking for four to six hours per week before diagnosis was associated with a 33 percent lower risk of PCSM, and walking for seven or more hours per week was associated with a 37 percent lower risk.
출처: http://www.aacr.org/Newsroom/Pages/News-Release-Detail.aspx?ItemID=852#.WTu22cY6-gT

하지만, 발병후 걷기와는 관계가 없다.
No statistically significant association was observed with walking after diagnosis.
출처: http://www.aacr.org/Newsroom/Pages/News-Release-Detail.aspx?ItemID=852#.WTu22cY6-gT
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